Well, hello Blogbaps...this snippet of my daily life is going to be short and to the point. No waffling on today Sir/Madam.
This is where we're at:
Have new drugs...to make the old ones more efficient. Good you say, and yes the toe curling, shin spazzing, calf muscle cock-ups and general stiffywoodledoodles have packed up and buggered off......
.....only to be replaced with a dry mouth, a tumkin that makes me look feckin pregnant and the eyesight of a mole....Bad Times :-(
Therefore I need to acquire some semblance of balance in my life. Enough old drugs to keep me focused (literally), retain the swift metabolism which rendered me svelte and delicious and leave me moist of mouth and enough newbies to tell the stiffy, draggy leg scenario and concrete boots that it's high time it got the memo to jog the fuck on. Hmmmm, they don't make it feckin easy huh?!?
Am actually getting more sleep though!!! Hurrah, long may that continue.
So "The Jenga Tower of Sparkly Splendour" is well and truly on the rise (complete with Penthouse Suite, spa pool and room a plenty for shoes, shoes, SHOES!!!!) Imma comin' back atcha with renewed vim, vigour and vitality Blogblods! So, with my new found "Ooooh yeah baby...it's on" vibe, I will skip off and prepare to slam it...dancefloor stylee with my Disco Dollies at the freakin' weekend. We'll be sho nuff getting into that funky assed groove!!! Apologies of the highest order to any American readers for writing in a somewhat Huggy Bear nature
Soundtrack Time: Depeche Mode (The Chief will be pleased!) and Madonna, who slams it!! Enjoy my darling Blogchums...enjoy.....xxxx