Saturday, 22 October 2011

Three Little Birds...And An Extra Pink Pill...x

Whoop-de-ding-dang-doo Mother Funksters! Mama Sparklepops is fully in her 'Happy Place' and my Bubble of Fabulocity is well and truly rising up (in an Eye of the Tiger kinda way) and I am lovin' it!
Yesterday I went to see Neuroboy for a touching base kinda deal. I hadn't seen him in over a year and, although I know I've been doing well, but it's always useful to have the resident expert smiling from ear to ear about the progress I'm making. Everyone wants to know that 'Everything's Gonna Be Alright.' Sure it's going to get rocky on my journey from time to time, but me and my Kick Ass Support Crew are totally up for the job...we've got it in the bag. For now the extra little pink pill he's prescribed is hopefully, all I'm going to need to keep on keepin' on in the way that I want. Blogbods, that Jenga Tower of mine is getting bigger and taller every day and the foundations on which it's built are stronger than they were before. The cherry on the top of my chatteroo with Neuroboy was the fact that he said "You can hardly tell." Holy Moley Blogsters...those were golden words to me! See? When you 'Fake It to Make It', you believe what you're telling yourself and confidence in yourself grows and grows.
So: it's Batfink/She-Ra/Penelope Pitstop all the feckin' way my inner kid is going to have more fun than ever before. I will continue to live and love as hard and passionately as ever before so: 'C'mon you Sparkly Auld Bugger....back in yer box cos I'm gonna bust yo ass if you come round here again!"
Bob is going to tell it and it's sooooo sweet listening to this song when the shit has hit your fan, but your fan has survived. All Hail the Mighty Fan, and All Hail the Mighty Bob of Marleyville. Soundtrack: Three Little Birds. Hope they come and visit you sometime. xxxxxx


  1. Fantastic news hon. Very,very, very exciting news. I can just imagine what you were feeling like. Attitude, fitness and happiness is the golden elixir for this particular glitch in life!!!

  2. Ding-Dong....WistaSista in da house. I love, love, love how you comment Pumpkin. Without your feedback, I kinda feel like I'm talking to myself (which I do a lot...but you know what I mean)
    It is great to be looking at life from the tippy top window of my brand new Jenga Tower. So so cool. Glad in extreme measures that you're sharing it with me. xxxxxx
