Monday, 10 October 2011

Let's Go Round Again.....In a Remix Stylee....With a U-Turn! x

So's been a while since I last posted. What have you megatastic boys and girls been up to? I fully hope that you have all been spreading the Sparkles with reckless and joyful abandon! Hahaha...well, as long as it's on your 'to-do list!'
Right then, what's been going on? Tonnes of stuff......crazy ass shit that I'm sure you've come to expect if this cyber litter finds it's way into your day on a semi-regular basis. Ha, well there have been a few questions to ponder, such as: "How can I get this, frankly 'totally bangin beyond belief' new dress that I bought online to look right, what with it's awkward waisty bit and funny belt?"  "Why am I so completely 'special' when it comes to reversing down my new driveway?" and "Shorts or jeans?.....shorts or jeans?" (Shorts inevitably won and were surprisingly comfortable to dance in, which is nice)
The Big Question though, has been this one: "Is It Ever a Good Thing to Return to a Situation You Have Left?" I am actually pondering this pearler after the event to be honest. Returning is a done's happening because it has to. $$$$$$$ "Kerching" and $$$$$$ is the order of the day. In a head/heart scenario I am almost always a follow my heart kinda chick. I trust my intuition about people and situations and rarely am I wrong. Often, I can't put my finger on what's good or bad, I just get a feeling. Not in a witchypoo/gin addled dodgy auld gyppo way, just a notion that pops into my consciousness that I have come to trust and believe in and there we have it. I'm returning to a situation where my initial unravelling began. A place which I associate with pressure and stress, somewhere that's not 'sparkly shiny'.....and where my stiffness and shakeydoodles try their hardest to come out to play. I have always been a 'Push On' person never looking backwards only ever forwards onto the next thing, but now it's all about the U Turn ( that song.....and vid...and dance moves) To quote a friend of mine I'm gonna have to 'Suck it up Princess' and hey, if it doesn't kill me it'll make me stronger, right? The prospect of going there again rendered me officially freaked out earlier this week and I ended up having a teeny weeny tiny meltdown....sigh....All Hail my Regal Princess of The Palace, who came to the Towers at the speed of light and picked me up so I could regain my 'Powers of Immense Sparkledom'. I love you for everything, you are a stellar chick!
I reckon I'm going to have to make like my old friend Batfink. My bubble will not be burst! "Their bullets cannot harm me, my wings are like a shield of steel!" or in other words: Sparkle! Sparkle! Sparkle! Fashion and Bling are going to be my weapons of choice. I'll keep you posted....
In Other News: Made a new friend...someone who's travelled some of the same paths as me. She will offer a different perspective and hopefully together we can lighten her load. Those shoulders have held too much, too long! Had a complete and utter 'feck-a-ding-dang-doo-tastic' danceroo where it was well and truly taken to the street! Was made (not entirely against my will) to dance in front of Bodlet 1's entire Drama Class, and have just been keepin' on keepin' on. What else is there?
Off to see Neuroboy towards the end of this month. Will lay all cards on the table...(even the ones I don't really want to share cos they might mean icky news) but rest assured Blogsters I will be slammin' it whatever the outcome. Thanks for checking, love, love that you do! Am v intrigued in interest from the Ukraine by the way....don't know much about your country. Maybe you might like to tell me what's good in your Ukraine hood!!!! Latvia has joined the party too..."Look at this will ye's like the feckin Eurovision Song Contest here in Blogville...Woohoo! All Aboard! The more the merrier, come one, come all!
Soundtrack?....Average White Band on yo asses, but...check out the stellar dancerific remix y'all Aah, go on now....Let's Go Round Again (sure it'll pay the mortgage, lol) Also, my main man Usher U-Turning for all he's worth! Ciao Blogsters....we out! x


  1. Hey there to you!!!! Right, lets stop the "what's this situation going to do to me" and lets start the "what am I going to do to this situation". Your heading backwards in the wrong direction hon. Can't change those old memories, and we should never try as it's pointless. But we can create new memories that will be bigger and better and totally eclipse the old. A good sprinkle of your sparkle dust and hey ho, your bubble will return in tact. I happen to know some big partygoers and some really tiny partygoers who could really do with some sparkle dust to brighten the day. Sprinkle madly, let it settle where it does, and where it doesn't, well can't have the whole world sparkly or it'd be just too bright. Besides my fairy friend, in every kingdom, tucked away where you least expect them, there's always the fairy godmother, who quietly sprinkles peace and gentleness dust so the sparklers can sparkle madly and the less sparkly can cope with the light. So you get out there, make your mark, own the experience! And if the shakeydoodles try and poke their head up, well could be you're worrying for nothing. I know how little others notice shakeydoodles. So get out there, the future is not the past, and leave your mark. Hope you've sorted the dress with the funny waist .... Happy holidays

  2. Aaah, are a wise young thing! Everything you have said in your comment is (infuriatingly) right, naturally. This is why you are one of my most treasured 'Sparklettes' You hit the nail on the head when you said I need to make this chapter brand new. I will go in all guns blazing and banish all worries in an instant as I shimmy in 'like I own the joint' (one of me Dad's wee sayings)
    Might even rock up in my 'funny waisted' dress, there's yet to be a frock that's beaten me!
    Thankyou WistaSista, for always knowing exactly what to say and for being one of the bright lights that shine on me! xxxxx
