Monday, 19 September 2011

Oi Blogsters!....A Little More Conversation a Little Less Action...You Feel Me? x

OMG Blogbods! By the time you read this, 76 Sparkles will have smashed through 2,000 views! That, quite simply put, is completely awesometastic! We've only been at this glitterific Blog Party (oooh sounds like Bloc Party...used to quite like them!) since May and, whilst I love my cute little ole Blogdedoodle with a feverish passion and believe in it immensely, it never fails to surprise me that people actually go out of their way to read it.
It began as (and continues to be) a form of cathartic therapy for me. I was concerned that I was in a kind of denial over my Sparkly situation and figured that if I 'came out' in a spangle-dangle neontastic Miss Ross kinda way, well that'd be it wouldn't it? Everyone would know about something I'd been trying really hard to hide. My feeling was, being open about my situation might (a) help me deal with it, (b) stop me feeling like a big flashing sign informing the world of my touch of the Stiffler's Mom was ever present and (c) it might just help someone else travelling up Sparkly Creek without the aid of anything remotely paddle-like.
I write 'so I can get it all out, what's in my head' (4 Non-Blondes ref for ya!) but it freakin' rocks to the max that there are megabods like yourself that are along for the ride. We got 'em from Brasil to Japan via Ukraine and Canada....we've got the Yemen!.....we've got China!.....we are going hard and spreading the Sparkles in a globaltastic way and I'm completely and utterly thankful to all of you for checking in.....
Just one thing....I know you "Stellar Fellas" are out there...but you guys are so quiet!!!!!!!
Talk to me Blog-a-log-a-ding-dongs!!! I am loving the fact that you check in from far and wide, but please don't sneak a read then skip off, unless I'm some kind of guilty pleasure..and hey, I'm down with that ;-) I'd fully love to hear what you think about this Blog of mine. So, be brave my lovely Lords and Ladies of Sparkledom...c'mon now...holla. What's good, what's not? Any topics you want to talk about. We could create a full on forum Blogeroos. Talk to know you want to.....
Soundtrack: Elvis the Pelvis! x

1 comment:

  1. Hey there my sparkly friend. Been a while since I've checked in, though you are never, ever far from my thoughts. Going through much the same here in my world. Things were sooooo bad, bad as they could get, though it wasn't the big P it was the other with us. Then it got sooooo much better and I had time to realise that for 6 months I'd hardly had time to breath. We were basking in the relaxation and laziness of it all and thinking how lucky we were when the big P decided that since we were on the up and up with everything else, it'd throw in it's curve ball (as it tends to do) Back to the Neuro some time soon to get the meds reassessed. I'm not worried, but I'm pissed off. Freakin thing!!!! Could have thrown the curve ball while we were in dilemma mode with the other, but no, it waits until you're relaxing and not expecting it!!! It's a bit like a nasty neighbor, waiting over the fence to lob water balloons at you while you're lying in the sun. Knows he can't win, but gets fun out of catching you out when you least expect it. You are so lucky to have the man in your life that you have. Battling a bad neighbor is always more fun when you've got back up, and you have that in bucket loads. So, I'll be lobbing those water balloons back over the fence for a while. I'm a shocking shot, but if I throw enough I'm bound to score a hit at some stage! Hope you manage a few hits over the fence yourself hon!!! Don't waste time hon. Get yourself sorted, get your meds sorted, then you can give the water balloons a rest and enjoy the summer..... Catch you next time.....
