Friday 16 September 2011

'Stiffy' Rears Up It's Sparkly Head....Aaaaah Feck Off Will Ya? Don't You Know I'm She-Ra and Batfink?! x

Wah...wah...waaaaaaaaaaaahhh. Mama said there'd be days like this...turns out she didn't, but Good Old Therapy Knickers sure as shit was onto it. "Co-operate with the inevitable" or, in old money "Cross that bridge when you come to it." Yeah well the bridge is looming like a big foetid brick wanker with a manky auld troll sat in it's own piss and dribble fumbling around underneath. It's on Beautiful's The Test, The Big One, The Big Bad Daddy AKA: Wtf? Where Did All the Sparkles Go?
What do you do when the drugs don't work any more? My 'Fake It to Make It' mantra has had a kick in the knackers and has gone off in a bit of a huff. Seriously need to get her ass back onto the task at hand, there's things that need doing and quite frankly, I haven't got time for Ms Sparklies wibbly bullshit. Well, I say the drugs don't work, I am merely guessing.....I am currently grappling with the Mind Over Matter thing in a big, big way. Here's the deal:
Since my 'Epic Wander Around the Mountain', I have found that the wheels have been coming off slowly but surely and despite my efforts to the contrary, the physical symptoms of the Wobblywaddles have been creeping back in, resulting in a quick trip to Mini Meltdown City Centre and a 111 call to my Support Crew Extraordinaire. To anyone reading this, whether you enjoy perfect health or otherwise, please love, love, love the fabulous funketeers you have in your life, and more importantly, tell them...every day because it never wears thin. My Funkylicious Band of Epic Greatness have got my back and I know I'll get where I need to be with them in my corner. A bacon sarnie...some cake...bright red  twinkly sparkles that are turning up all over the house and two of the most amazing people I've ever come across were all that was needed to get this kid to have a word with herself and get right back on the Sparkle Train....destination: Kick Ass Groovetown (twinned with Positivityville)
Having invested so heavily in an outlook and coping mechanism that I have grown to believe in wholeheartedly, and with such a vehement passion that I feel able to put it out there in the public arena, it was seriously difficult to see it crumbling around me and knowing that there's really nothing for it but to start all over again, building the tower from the ground up. I'm fighting a battle that ultimately I cannot ever fully defeat, my Sparklies will always be there, but I at least have a choice with regards to how I allow it to impact my life. Aaahh, you know me Blogbods....this Disco Dolly has much to do and will not ever never be down for long. The minging, pantsorific days spent in Shit Street are essential though, they are absolutely imperitive, because without them the Glitterifically Twinkletastic days wouldn't be so epically sunny-bunny-wonderful.
Soundtrack: Living Colour.....Crank it up Blogsters and go hug someone fabulous and thank them for being in your life. xxxx

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