Tuesday 6 September 2011

Ultra Fab...Ultra Feckin Awesome Place...Ultra Music x

I know Blogsters...wtf? Twice in a row?.....she's on fire! I just had to share how completely amazing it is that I live where I live with so much natural beauty, genuine love, friendship and aroha from so many people, both close to me and random strangers.
So today, I had some time to kill and I thought: "Feck it I'm off to the lake." This goes back to my previous ramblings about how the best moments seem to be the spontaneous ones. The ones where you just get up off your arse and go do something, instead of thinking about it. I think we are almost genetically programmed at conception to be watchers or grabbers. My theory is that you've got your 'Watchers' who would love to do something 'exciting or different' but really can't be arsed when it comes to the crunch. These folks then branch out into two sub species, being those who applaud the drive and motivation of others but don't put it into action themselves (The Bollockless Back Patters) and those who wish they had these qualities and so deride the get up and go of others (The Merchants of Bleurgh) The 'Grabbers' on the other hand, can't wait to seize upon a new opportunity grab it firmly by the bollocks and go hard (unintentional sexual reference there...what would Freud say?..not much he's dead eh!) You're either in it to participate or you might as well feck off and that's that!
Coming to NZ has so completely got to be one of the very best things I have ever done. Soon, another piece of the puzzle will be put into gear and then this chick will be all good. So, that's why today the ironing lost and the lake won and I took twenty fabulous minutes to wiggle my toes in the water and couldn't take the massive bastard smile off my face. It's so good to be a 'Grabber'!
Soundtrack: Katchafire...can't believe it's taken this long for these boys to feature, but I love 'em and this song made my smile that little bit wider...enjoy my beautiful Blogwins! xx


  1. Think I'm a bollockless back patter as I'm here reading this instead of at the gym or perhaps this will inspire me to go........

  2. 76 Sparkles is a fabulous place of inspiration and motivation for the nation! Stick wi' me kid....I'll keep you on the straight and narrow. Thankyou ta for checking in! xx
