Thursday 1 December 2011

Just Call Me Eileen...Get It???...I Lean Hahaha!...Lean On Me My Beautiful Dollybirds. xx

Bing! Bong! Hi-de-Hi Blogbods....Wassssuuuuupppppp?!?! Here's hoping this veritable funfest of a post finds y'all in tippety tip top tastic form. As for me (myself and I) it's a veritable smorgasbord of fun stuff and a smattering of shite. Thankfully this is by no means in equal measure, the fun is still outweighing the shite, but I'm a borderline control freak with serious optimist tendencies and this is slightly bothersome. Ah well, will keep on 'Sparkling Hard', because that's how I roll.
There has been a drought in 'Mojoville' for over three weeks now. It is a mixture of things I reckon: still feckin tired, bar of choice is rapidly going down the dumper (wah, wah, waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh) and other stuff meaning that my epic, world renowned, dancerific groovylicious moves that yer man Jagger can only hope to achieve have gone...poof......just like that. :-( Will they return? Why yes of course, and when they do it will be off the feckin chain my friends. When will it return? Hmmm I can't answer...I can't answer that (Bros reference?...anyone?....yeah you remember, I know you do!)
The thing that makes me completely not worry or stress about my current state of Stiffydoodles is that I have and I quote: THE BEST, MOST FANTABULOUS PAIR OF DISCO DANCERIFIC DOLLIES OF EPIC EXCELLENCE MONEY CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO BUY. In Blogville, I like to call them The Princess and The Ballerina. They are simply the kind of friends you want your kids to find. You know, those absolutely stellarific million dollar people who you know have got your back no matter what. The ones you can call at two in the morning to get you out of some shit situation and who you would expect to call you if the role were reversed. We laugh, we cry, we dance, we laugh again. How lucky am I?
So, this Saturday we were at 'The Bar of Choice' and were collectively up for a good old fashioned danceroo. I had been completely pantserific on my last outing with The Princess and needed a right royal pep talk in the car! Even Lord Stevie of Wonderland couldn't get my stiff little arms and legs to move. Bugger! So, with glasses half full, we tried again but again it was a bit on the old piss poor side. Stiffywoo and the Neon Sign of Impairment were kicking my ass. My Dollies of Deliciousness never ever wavered in their encouragement and despite the (feckless and charisma free) band playing in a fully bleurgh capacity and, get this.....they bastardised Blister in the Sun!!!! Ballerina-chops almost popped her collar! But, Hello Mary?!? What's this then? epiphany.....a moment.....a snippet of time where you just exist and relish what is occurring. Cue the Soundtrack.....Lean on Me (Club Nouveau version) Listen to the lyrics y'all, they represent what friendship is all about. Thanks for being my friend you guys and with glassy eyes and sniffs aplenty...just know that we now have a 'Soundtrack' of our own and I will always be a fully paid up member of 'Club Eileen' xxxxxxxxxxx

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