Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Welcome Home......Life Is Sweet As Baby! x

Kia Ora to you Blogville Massive! Guess what?!? Fab tidings y'all for I (and the rest of my funky fly A Team) are officially members of the Mighty GodZone club! I am writing this with big, fat, soppy arse tears running down my face having just played the Dave Dobbyn track! This song represents exactly and succinctly much of what I adore about this fabulous country....sniff.....snuffle.....
I am proud to be British, don't get me wrong. Brits are ace. We are quirky, eccentric, comedy fodder. We are passionate (about football, beer and telly...probably in that order) It is difficult for others to make us a quality cup of tea. We like to queue and we dunk our biscuits without a care in the world. We are the world's worst nation for sunburn avoidance and we have chips with everything! I'm even more proud of my roots....Northern Soul is what I am (not in the musical sense) but when you're a heady mix of Scouse Northern Irish and Cumbrian, well it's pretty much a given that you'll have summat to spout about! Debatable whether or not anyone will listen, but you spout on anyway.....Where I come from, people speak their mind and are generally loyal and friendly. They do right by those who do right by them. I look at where I came from (geographically) with fondness, but as my old mucker Rakim says: "It ain't where you're from, it's where you're at."
Britain, for me is tired and old. A bit bewildered and it's had enough. It's got no new ideas and is apathetic...it can't really be bovvered. NZ, however is vibrant, exciting.....like an eager new puppy, it wants to please. It shows off what it's got because it's (so) fresh and (so) clean and energised. There's pride and passion and a work ethic here and people still tend to give a shit. These are all qualities I admire because that's how it ought to be and I have found a place along with my beautiful family, where I can put down strong and sturdy roots.
We took a risk, The Chief and I. We came out here with fire in our bellies and hope in our hearts that this was the right thing to do. We have never looked back and the gamble paid off. I still miss my family and friends back in Britain, but the world is much smaller now in communication terms. I also miss chips wi' vinegar, cold Christmases (hot ones are fab, but will always be a teeny bit wrong) Fanzone on Sky, big supermarkets. I miss the comedy, but there's also something kind of nice about hearing all the madass, crazy stuff that goes on around my family through letters, phonecalls and e-mails. (They should all be writers I reckon) We'd love, love, love to take our Bodlets to Anfield, but one day they might take themselves.
If you're thinking it Blogsters....do it! If you want it...go the fuck on and get it! Opportunities always come knocking (if you're receptive to them) Just now, I'm big time excited about a couple of things that have cropped up for me to try out for in my quest for a sparkly new work-related adventure.
Oooohh, the bag is shaking.....believe......a change is gonna come (Aaaah, beautiful, velvety, fabulous Otis. Top song, but it's not on the Soundtrack)
The Soundtrack comprises of The Don Dobbin...sniff...sob...oh no! Here we go again, lol. To finish, another joint from my fave NZ band Katchafire, which again sums up how I feel about this place.
Go on now Blogdedoodles.....do something fabulous, something shiny and new, challenge yourself or go harder to make what you already do more effective. Reach out to people.....make connections and network......it's not what you know, it's who you know. That's it Funksters...the biggest Bodlet is breathing down my neck because I'm needed for some Cartwheel Observation.......Mwahzicles....
PS: Yes I know I've completely missed Christmas....will correct that oversight tonight. Jingle on until then. xxxxxx

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