Monday 9 April 2012

I Am Superwoman, Yes I am......(Well, Sometimes) x

Getting a bit regular with these posts of late huh Blogsteroonies? Well, it is time to sort out where I'm at right now....
So, we now have different meds to go with the other meds I'm already chucking down my neck. These New Meds on the Block are meant to help make the first lot continue being efficient in keeping the Wibblywoodles in their box. So far, so good...It is of course an Empire State of Mind, so I am anticipating a soon to be acquired return of epic mojo. Better feckin had be! I've a reputation to uphold!!!

Love, love, love this pic! Look at her...the crazy ass maniac look in her eyes that screams "Yep, right now things could go either way." This is how I feel at times, but although the return of annoying and frustrating symptoms serve to remind me that there is this ticking time bomb inside of me, I am determined to put it all back in it's box and live for now. I then give myself a right royal kick up the arse and then all is again right with the world...hurrah!
I have chosen the Soundtrack as 'Motivation for the Nation.' It's Miss Alicia telling me I'm Superwoman and d'ya know what?..I just might be (with a supafly, boombastic ninja twist) I feel ready to get back in the game. I feel ready to grab life by the bollocks and I truly think that with such good people around me, I can't lose. All because I am......

SUPERWOMAN! (and Batfink, She-Ra and Penelope Pitstop) Let's kick some arse shall we?!?

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