Tuesday, 31 May 2011

I Am Very Lucky, Lucky, Lucky, Lucky.......

Hey there Blogbods! Checking in again with my comings and goings. How have you been? Hopefully completely megarific and sparkling with all your might! Here we are (me and my beautiful A Team) in Papamoa having the most completely awesometastic fun by the ocean. You know what?......I am rich beyond my wildest dreams Funksters, in ways that I cannot adequately express. Sometimes, I guess you've just gotta stop and say to yourself: "Feck-a-doodle-doo kid, life really is grand!". This might sound like a mega crock to some of you fellow Wibbly Wobblers, or that I'm trying to be something I'm not. Honestly Bloglets, the immense power of positivity is so huge it cannot be discounted as a way of healing yourself. Obviously I don't mean it will ever de-wibblify you, of course not...but it can give you the strength to say: " Bollocks to you Wibbles....onwards and upwards, now jog on eh?" We have this 'condition', 'affliction', whatever you want to call it, and you can either sit in a corner and cry and say how unfair it all is (which you're right, it totally is) but when you're done with all that.....the Wibblydoodles are still there. So I say "Wibbles, do your worst because my life won't and absolutely, completely cannot stop for you, EVER! So there my little chick peas, life is for living. There's heaps you can still do. The world still turns whether you decide to opt in or out. C'mon baby....give it a little shimmy just for me!!!! x

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