Friday 19 August 2011

Paparazzi NZ Style......AKA: The Day Miss Katy Got Papped (Kinda...Not Really) x

Greetings Blogdedoodles...and how the Holy Hell are youse all? Fine and indeed dandy is the hope.
So, things are fun in a bun in my world, which is nice. Sadly, my two absolutely adorable and deliciously megarific Bodlets of Awesomeness are poorly sick in the extreme. This is sad, sad, sad. They have got some hideous, miserable viral bleurghfest going on and they both have no energy and look to all intents and purposes like they've been walloped by a pan (which I can assure you, they haven't!) Still, you can't let a bit of infant sickypoorlies stand in the way of the fact that it snowed where I live for the first time in about oh....17 years!!!!!!!
Onwards to some snow then and we pull up, get out of the car and who do we meet?................only a feckin reporter from the local rag! Honestly, you couldn't make it up could you? So, the oldest Bod (Drama Queen, camera lover and shameless poser who, at this point, is the more poorly of the two) packs a major sad because (a) the youngest Bod has completely tanned her arse with a handful of snow and (b) her gloves don't fit. The smallest Bod then goes on to enter into full on 'not lovin' this anymore' and begins to complain about being cold. So, seeing that yer man from the rag is a bit stuck as passers by are more than a little bit thin on the ground, I feel that, quite frankly it's my duty to frolick like a woman posessed. He needs a pic and a sound byte and who better than some enthusiastic random like myself to step in?!?  I was ridiculously excited to discover that yours truly and the youngest Bodleteer had not only made it into the rag, but the pic of us working our snow angel magic was only on the front page baby!!! Sure, if you've got it...they'll find you, hahahahaha. I astound myself sometimes with my shameless quest for fun and glory!
Alas, the snow melted rather quickly and so that'll be it for a while. At least I can say that I came....I saw....I got Papped. Aaah yes, it's not all about you Lady Gaga...but you'll definitely ding-dang-doo for the old Soundtrack. Oh and a bit of an old skool treat: Snow's Informer...just cos it's funny and no-one knows the lyrics without Googling it cos it's mad (but just to show my love for y'all and so as to not leave my darling Blogsters frustrated, I have posted this auditory pleasurefest WITH LYRICS!!!) and also cos yer man's called Snow and that's what this Post has been about....xxxxx

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