Tuesday 9 August 2011

Eye Know .....Let's Party All Night...With a Fairytale Bedtime Story Twist....x

Greetings Blogheads and welcome to my world of phrase, I'm right up to bat. It's a Sparkly Age and you're about to walk top stage so wipe your Lotto's on the mat...........
Aaaahhh, a little bit of the old De La Soul for youse at almost 2 in the am. Feck...I thought this Jelly Bus ride was meant to tire me out! No such luck.....my poor addled brain can't switch off and I fear that I might be becoming borderline nocturnal! Seriously Chumsters...if I thought I could get away with it (and more to the point, if there was anywhere to go) it'd be on with the heels and onwards to a funky d floor, or just driving in my car, or just doing something.....anything but wrestling with not being able to sleep.
Once upon a time......in a land far, far away there was a buxom, raven haired maiden who skipped through life (although she always had a Masterplan) and was revered by all who knew her as being able to sleep at the drop of a hat on nowt more than a washing line. It used to right royally piss The Chief off no end that she could gather the sleep fairies around her on planes, in airports, on ferries....frankly anywhere involving modes of transport it would seem. Anyway, the buxom maiden lost her magnificent fun bags thanks to The Bodlets and the miraculous downsizing of the Maiden's overall body mass. Sigh.....bangin' baps Vs size 8 clobber and the banishment of the evil muffin top to the spooky forest where the bears live. Thank God the Elves and the Shoemaker diversified into lingerie eh? As well as this, unbeknown to the Maiden an unfortunate spell had been cast that made her wibbly and stiff, slightly bewildered (nothing overly surprising there as raven haired maiden really ought to have been made blonde...it would've saved so much time...) and self conscious. So she decided to visit a grand wizard who told her she had been sprinkled by lashings of glittery Sparklies that would be there forever. Well, that was a turn up eh? Sounds alright when you put it like that...so she took her Sparklies and decided that they would be rather useful in the niggly battle against the miserable bastards from Negativity Forest (they also tended to be joyless creatures, who were overwhelmingly in denial as to how fun sucking they were) These rather stench mired, foetid oafs only came to her in her imagination and did not have enough balls or swagger to have a sit down face to face intelligent chat, no, no, they would loom and lurk like filthy grus (Will you get a load of that now Mary, they sound like fecking Manc followers) Armed with the Power of Greyskull, Batfink's Shield of Steel and a kick ass basket of provisions for Grandma....the Maiden (who now appears to have a slight whiff of the old superhero vibe about her) shouted out an almighty feckin 'RAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH' and shimmied in her delectable bright red 5" Bordello Teeze shoes of untold beauty and heavenly deliciousness (yet to be purchased, but you know....for the purpose of the story.....) all the way to the ball in the big shiny castle. She twirled effortlessly past the sad sack chick snoring away in the glass case thinking "I don't need a Prince to kiss me and wake me up.....I need the actual Prince (pintsized popstar of perfection) to turn out a funky groove and make me wanna tear it up mo fo!"
So that is exactly what she did....she dances because it's how she beats the blathering Mancs, she has energy to burn but as yet not the right channels to use it to good effect (ie she needs a stimulating job that lets her chat all day and be Sparkly Fabulous and doesn't involve a school or kindy cos she's kinda over that now) and she crosses her fingers, clicks her badass heels and hope that one day it really will be Happily Ever After....cos it kinda has to be.......
So that is why I need sleep my beautiful Blogbunnies....who needs this crazy shit rolling around eh? Someone tell me how to switch it off will ya? Answers on a postcard......Oh yeah, The Soundtrack found a gem so hit it Sean Kingston. An added treat for y'all is my Trio of Daisy Age Deliciousness, just so you get where the opening lines came from. Thanks again for dropping in and so......to sleepville.....yeah? xxxxxxx

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