Friday 19 August 2011

When the Going Gets Tough....the Tough Go Dancing....Oh Yes, They Do Indeed! x

Yo, Hey Check This Out! (ahh, yes...a little taste of the old BVSMP for your delectation Blogbods.....Target Audience?......Better not be Funksters, or you've got homework to do!
Sad times are afoot, my Merry Band of Awesomeness...for I am officially Poorlydoodlepoodletastic. Sniff...cough.....poorly...sigh.....Those generous (to a fecking fault!) Bodlets of mine have finally gone and passed on 'The Virus of Doom and Foetid MingMong' to me their beloved Mother who, quite frankly hasn't got time for all this illness malarkey. Sigh....
Is it me?...or are children getting more vacant and stupid and useless? Sorry, sorry and thrice sorry beautiful Sparkle, but have got to mention the outrageous display of fecklessness, fuckwitticism and general Blankety Blank nature of a wide section of this wonderful nation's future adult citizens...and I wasn't even in the 'country' where they shit under the trees! I am laughing now, for we are currently two glasses of wine down and my lovely chumster Queen Fairy Sparkles purchased me a very fine gin to make it better.....and it did! So I spent the day thinking: "Is this it? Am I a shit teacher now?" "Am I hearing myself speaking clear English...but is it actually coming out to these deadheads as some unfamiliar foreign tongue?" "WTF??????!!!!!! I don't wanna do this anymore!"
Got home, reflected, took on board all that Sparklydoodle had to say, had a bit of a think, considered the fact that a person I admire enormously, who has more teaching talent in her high heeled stomperific kinky boots than I could ever hope to have at my disposal (even if I channelled my inner Turbo B off of Snap, and Lord knows he had The Power) and is passionate in the extreme about raising the bar of achievement for these kids finds herself somewhat diminished in the Shimmyspangledangle department says it all. Modern kids (apart from my own, and any other nice ones I've come across) are nothing short of gormless. There I said it. I said it. I said it cos I can!
Can someone now please give me a skirt lifting, fun in a bun, satisfaction sho' 'nuff guaranteed joberoo of magical stupendousness...that pays well, isn't overly taxing in the old stress department, is socially beneficial and allows me to swan about with my bangin tunes on in the car making people's day become just a little bit brighter?!?! Sooner, rather than later...thanks that'd be awesome.
Until my ship rolls in.....I'll 'Suck it up Princess' and when the going gets tough...the tough will say to themselves: "Kerching!" and vow to try a little bit harder and not let my heart take up residence on my sleeve so much. Thanks Dapper Don...the emotional basket case side of me is all down to the Scouse genetics thank you ta very much like laaa!
I truly believe in life you should never go backwards, only forwards to uncharted territory. However, going back I am...let's see how we go eh? Must make note to self regarding practising what I preach...will get onto that little nugget ASAP. Thanks for supporting me and my mad world, me love you long time.
Soundtrack: Already said it, When the Going Gets Tough by Billy Ocean (Colour Scene) Enjoy!!!!!!! xxxxx


  1. hey hun - ever watched outrageous fortune? become a fairy for parties and corporate training! huggles

  2. You are definately not a shit teacher far far from it, there's no-one else I'd trust with my beautiful yet often frustrating little darlings than you. Even if they don't always show it they need us & they love us from the top of our tiara to the tips of our pointy toed boots. I'm off for a walk in the sunshine to breath in the fresh air and marvel at the beautiful place which we are lucky to call home as recommended by you. Maybe see you later if you're well enough for tipsy dancing.xxxxxxxx

  3. Ooohhh, a Party Fairy sounds completely and utterly Ding-dang-doodletastic! Where do I sign? Lol. Huggles, as always, gratefully received....sending some back atcha!
    Aaaahhh 'The Anonymous Pumpkin' there is surely not a condition on Earth that could prevent a bit of the old tipsy dancing. In fact, if I was a doctor (thank Christ I'm not....!)I would prescribe tipsy dancing to everyone...with a month's course of gin to be taken three times a day with food. I think the world would be a much better place! Thanks for kind words.....your darlings are delicious, sometimes I just wish I could give people a great big fat kick up the arse! Was utterly stupendous to see you last night....gorgeous as ever. Catch up soon Sparkly Girl! xxxx
