Saturday 13 August 2011


Alright Blogsters? Here we go again......phew, the last one was a bit of a mind fuck wasn't it? Even I was slightly bewildered by what tumbled out of me, but better out than in as they say and guess what?.....I slept quite well after having channelled my inner Grimm brother. So.....
I am a happy and excited little Sparkle Mama today is footy season again! Aaah yes my little Punky Brewsters despite dwelling amongst the egg is the beautiful game I love the best.
Now, if you're British, you'll know this already so you should probably just go make yourself a cup of tea or something, but for those who are not familiar, you do not ever, never (unless you're a useless, feckless, blatant knuckledragging glory following Manc) choose your team. Second and third teams, yes that's allowed (for me it's Barcelona) It is achieved by birthright, no choice. Me? I'm a Red, a Kopite. Anfield is my spiritual home....Liverpool L4. I am Christ alone knows how many generations Scouse and the Bodlets are obviously going to continue that tradition because that's part of who they are and where they come from.
As you probably guessed from the trainer buying debacle prior to my triumphant wander round the mountain in aid of Sparklydoodles, I am neither sporty, athletic or even remotely interested in participating in sporty/gamey shenanigans, never have been to be honest. I am however, completely ace in the place in the motivational, supportive "Go on my son"/"Get innnnnnnnnn!" big up your team kinda way.
I love my team because they are the best in the world, bar none. They have an immense history, undeniable success, integrity, humility, passion and pride. To be a Red is to belong to a community, a family, common ground, a link, a thread. There have been glorious highs (Istanbul for starters) and terrible, tragic lows (Hillsborough (JFT96) and Heysel) but there is one thing for sure, come what may you always believe in your team and never waver. It all sounds a tad religious, and to some folks (the lucky buggers who get to attend matches on a regular basis) I guess it kind of is. Stick your shabby arsed Theatre of Wet Dreams, Fortress Anfield is the Cathedral of Cool.
Human nature primes us to seek out like minded people, kindred spirits, folks who are on the same page. We have an inherent need to belong to something/someone. Football, like music, clothing labels and so on marks us out as either belonging to or not being part of specific sectors of society. This process occurs right from the first day of school when all you want to do is find someone you can belong to/fit with.
Liverpool Football Club is something I am quietly passionate about. I'm not a 'statnerd', I don't profess to have encyclopaedic knowledge of past teams, matches, score sheets, players, managers, positions, transfers and so on and so on. However, The Chief (God love him a fellow was definitely a tick in the right box, hahaha!) has an almost spectrum dwelling breadth of knowledge and footy trivia at his fingertips (another reason why I love him completely. :-) This Season just feels right. I don't know just does. Maybe it's the Kenny factor, maybe it's the squad, maybe it's just that the time is now. But, much like with my've just got to trust and believe.......YNWA JFT96
Onto the Soundtrack well naturally, it had to be the Liverpool Anthem. Listen to (and, because I'm so good to y'all) and read the lyrics. They are stirring and I can't listen to this song without the hairs on the back of my neck pricking up and my chest puffing out with pride. My team, my heritage. The second little nugget of aural stimulation is a very guilty pleasure I Bring you The Anfield Rap (Alright Aldo, sound as a pound) Thirdly....what a treat: our second song: The Fields of Anfield Road. No one else can sing like they can in The Kop, home or away. C'mon you Mighty Redmen! Tear it up......x

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