Monday 18 July 2011

Children......Ours Are Completely Acetastic and Deliciously Funny!

Greetings Blogbods and welcome back to my wonderful world of fun and frolicks!
Today, I will be mostly talking about the delectable funky infants that myself and The Chief like to call our kids. They're the Bin Lids, the Carpet Monkeys, the Ankle Biters, the Small People, the Bodlets, and so on and so on and so on.........
So, the exploits of these children are, quite frankly, worthy of a blog/book/psychology thesis in their own right as they are so outrageously comical, yet simultaneously pride inducing, end of tether reaching, head fuck generating, laugh out loud encouraging episodes that even the best fictional writer simply couldn't make up. The end result?... my heart about to burst with complete and total love and adoration for these two teeny tiny funksters extraordinaire. They share our home, our life, our every thought and they are just the most amazing people. We are beyond blessed to be the ones to mould them and afford them roots and wings. (The jury's out on whether they'll feel as lucky in the long run, lol!)
Just yesterday, I was regaling my dear old Dad (AKA The Dapper Don Disco Daddy) with tales of a seemingly 'normal' Day in the Life of the A Team. Agreed, it involved McDonalds (The Chief has, following a harrowing episode of food poisoning in the early nineties that resulted in the extraction of his appendix, ensured in no uncertain terms that our offspring baulk at the mere mention of "The Evil Clown") a trip to A & E and untold volumes of bird shit and runny ice cream, as well as tears, panic, laughter and a very interesting jumper (Princess Pumpkin: Who the feck?...what the feck?, lol, lol...inbox baby!!!!!) That, my little Funkmeisters is roughly a synopsis of about four hours of a single day. Good innit?
I completely love the way my Funkydoodles are so very different. The way I know that I am forever linked to these kids who have the world at their feet...who can simply smile (or roar because at that particular juncture they are intent on being a tiger/leopard/cheetah) and make me melt.
Kids are the future and for myself and The Chief, it's all about the future. Our 'take it for granted' vision of the future took a bit of a knock, but these two beautiful Bods deserve for us to make like life hasn't changed at all. Sure there'll be 'interesting' times but we'll temper it with fun and laughter and make sure that they know there are four kids in this family of ours. Two big (who should know better, but thankfully don't) and two who will always be our babies. As for the Soundtrack.....Robert Miles, it just had to be...awesome tune, takes me right back. Stevie, as always says it so perfectly. Listen to his lyrics, they tell you everything that I feel about my fabulous, amazing, comedy genius A-Team. Once again...I am one lucky bunny. Enjoy peeps....x


  1. wish i could dance as awesome as those girls lol

  2. mean Stevie's girls? Hahaha, they're awesome eh? xx
