Thursday 21 July 2011

Ready For the Weekend!....Yes, I Rather Think I Am...

Woohoo Blogeroos, just a mega quick post to get you Funkeroos aware that Mama Sparkle is gonna be fully on it (like a car bonnet...again) this weekend. Tomorrow is me and The Chief's 10 year wedding anniversary (more of that to come) It will be so nice to have some time with just my 'Partner in Fun' and although he's going to be working that day, we're gonna have a great night, probably reminiscing like a couple of sad sacks but also plotting, scheming and hatching fabulous plans for the future. Yey! :-) Thanks so much for being on Bodlet patrol Pufferina Ballerina, we completely love ya!
Saturday sees me definitely regaining my Funky Fly Disco Dolly status......the Nana hips are long gone and I'm really stoked to be feeling so good, energised and dripping with beautiful Sparkles. "ONWARDS! the Dancefloor!" It's gonna be off the chain my the chain! xx

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