Well Blogmates......I did it! I completed my first major athletic challenge since the Junior Girl's Egg and Spoon race of 1983! Hurrah or what?
You know how I have a bit of a tendency to kind of agree to stuff without really thinking it through?....yeah, well when The Chief suggested that (once I 'came out to the whole wide world' about my Sparklies) I might like to follow it up with a physical challenge (not a Dare or even for that matter a Double Dare) "Exercise is good for the Sparklies!" I heard my trusty Info Grabber/Research Monkey declare. "It's been proven to alleviate the less funkylicious symptoms of that Great Big Fat Jelly Bus ride you're on!" I simply nodded and smiled and was heard to retort: "Sure, of course, that'd be grand...what's the worst that can happen?....where do I sign?"
Hmmm....Bugger....turns out I was signed up and did have to do it. Right so.....
Someone mentioned training (and trainers for that matter...more of that in a bit...) aahh, yes that old chestnut. All of this 10km Walk craziness just happened to be kicking off at a time when I was busier than a busy thing in a box marked 'Busy.' Timing eh? I had however told roughly everyone I knew that I was going to enter, copied heaps of sponsorship forms and spent time (that I didn't even have) tapping friends and even unsuspecting randoms up for cold hard cashola. "I'm doing it for the Sparklies people!!!!!" Feck, feck, feckity feck!
The Chief mentioned that the treadmill (dusty, neglected, forlorn little fella in the garage) could be more than a little bit useful. Woohoo.....on I hopped....and it turned out to be fun! I-pod was on, I morphed into athletic goddess/divatastic soul funkster with immediate effect and had a completely faborific time. "Sure this isn't going to be so bad" I'm thinking. Hmmmmmmm, naive much?
So, lots of people say they're going to do this epic feat of physical prowess and endurance with me, support is high, there are many positive comments yey! Turns out however that the box marked "Yeah, I'll Do it With Ya" is pretty much empty apart from the trusty G-Dawg. Not judging in the slightest Blogeroos, people have their reasons and that's completely cool with me, but honestly, I reckon if you're going to bother to do something like this, something so far out of your comfort zone that it's not even on the comfort zone map, it has to be all about you anyway and a very personal goal. I am so grateful that the people who were with me on the day were there, but as always...it was all about me. My challenge. My goal. My way of kicking the Sparklies right in the chestnuts.
And that is exactly what I did. The feeling of accomplishment was awesome. I did it with barely any training or serious thought and very newly acquired trainers (such a shameless last minute chick!) I am so completely stoked that I have already signed up for two more in the coming months! This time 21km Half Marathon Big Bastards (walking still...don't be getting carried away now will youse?) "Sure, of course, that'd be grand...what's the worst that can happen?....where do I sign?" Oh for feck's sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Soundtrack of the Post has got to be the old RUN DMC/Aerosmith classic, with a side order of Shakira because Holy Mary, the girl's spot on the hips don't lie and mine feel like they belong to an eighty five year old. Well she can have 'em back!
Mwahzicles to you all, now go on feck off on a big long walk...sniff the lovely fresh air and feel amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxx
You go girl!! You'reso right about he exercise, it makes a HUUUUGGGEEE difference. Not to mention it makes you feel better and look better. I've managed to cruise throgh life pretty well avoiding anything that raises a sweat. Pretty cool, saved heaps in deoderant. So I'm a shocking example, follow what I say, but cerainly not what I do. There was one time when my kids and step kids (they're all martial arts black belts and couple are instructors) decided I neded to do some form of exercise. Good for me they said. Hah!!! I huffed and puffed and sweated my way right up to black tip level. A little figure dressed in white with a bright red puffy face, sort of like a sweaty beetroot -so cool!Hated it. Kicked and got kicked, chopped blocks with my hands, leapt in the air (well, about 2 cm)all that marshal arty type of stuff. Hated it, just have no discipline at all. Figured I didn't need a black belt, already had a big mouth as a weapon, and it didn't leave me looking like a beetroot in p.j's. Hated bowing to people (you do that in martial arts). I'm a true believer that we're all equal in life, so bowing did not come easy. I wouldn't even curtsey to the Queen!There wasn't much I liked about it at all! Even cried a couple of times when they tried to make me do jumpy, unlady like fitness exercises. But, because I love my kids I exercised myself right up to black tip level. Every few months or whatever, travelling out of town to strut my chops and kicks to some Asian expert who sat there watching me massacre his sacred sport. Must have been that steely look in my eye that convinced him to pass my exam each time,or maybe he just couldn't wait to see what I'd get up to next time if he let me through. Anyway, Saw what was involved in getting my black belt and made a gracious exit from the sport. Earned myself another decade or so of non activity, till 6 months ago I dragged out the wii and took on jogging, hula hooping, step exercising, and all tat sort of avatar stuff. Pretty cool,even got faster than an avatar dog. But thankfully I got too busy to continue, so my wii fitness mat sits there waiting patiently until I get my next burst of energy... So my friend, you be so proud of yourself, you're an exercise legend!!! I get tired just reading your blogs. Can't wait to see what you'll do nxt.... I'll sit here waiting to see lol... takecare