Sunday 10 July 2011

We Cold Rocked This Party Baby! xx

Well, Blogdedoodlepoodlepuffs......what an amazingly funpacked sporterific weekend this little chick pea has enjoyed!
Do you know something Pumpkins, as I say many times...I am one seriously lucky funker. I am blessed with having some spectacular people in my life. The ones I'm gonna tell y'all about today are the completely delicious Bay of Plenty Allstar Posse.......
We met them as newbies to this fabulous country when I (ahem...) joined a gym! I know, go figure eh! Turns out their youngest bodlet and our oldest bodlet were born on the same day. It was written in the stars!!! We became fab friends on the spot (these dudes even support the Mighty LFC!) and throughout the six years we've now been in NZ, they have always been a very important part of our lives and we fully consider them to be family.
When we left the BOP.....we just caught up when we could and it was always just as if we'd never moved away and that Blogsters is the measure of true friendship. We can go months with no contact, meet up, laugh like drains, eat far too much, never quite drink enough due to too much talking and usually end up in a competitive challenge (even swingball in the pitch black, lol)
I completely love these folks with all my heart and this weekend we have spent together has just been ace in the place! This is due to the following things.......
(1) I completed my 10km Offroad Walk today...GP did it with me, got me through and made it such a completely funtabulous experience that I'm totally up for more athletic fun and games (sure I've got the trainers now so what the hell!!!)
(2) NP is funny, funny, funny and is completely and utterly a bone fide diva extraordinaire! Driving through town with Vanilla Ice turned up to obscene levels......a hilarious 'Amazing Race' debacle in Pam's Palace and a Pizza Hut showdown (that very nearly became Smackdown) is quite frankly what normality looks like for this Sparkletastic friend of mine. I love it!!!!
(3) They were the best support crew a chick could ever have...great cheering small people!
(4) Rasputin.....there's nothing more to!
(5) Just Dance and Wii Sing extravaganza...we own their asses (apart from Tina, who has it licked)
There's so much more to add but for now I'll just say that sometimes in life people come along that are just special (no not jumper rubber special) but that you just fit with. They get you, it's always easy and uncomplicated when they're around and more than that you always just have fun, they love you and you love them. Blogsters, these people are worth more than gold! So I hope you have some in your life, cos mine are completely amazing. If you do, make sure you remind them how fab they are today.
NP, GP and the P-Bods......We sure as hell Cold Rock Any where's Barbie and Ken?.......Mwahs galore xxxxxx

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