Thursday 7 July 2011

Back Once Again For The Renegade Master (That's Me Mateypeeps!) x

I know...I know....I am officially a Bad Blogger. I am sorry Pumpkins for building you up with the most magnificent literary fabulocity known to the modern world (and accompanying epic tunes)...just to shamelessly leave you there dangling, desperate for more........
However I am back (Once again for the renegade master, D4 damager with the ill behaviour etc etc) with lots to tell:
House = greedy vendors, misguided buggers are well and truly pissing on our parade. However, the houseypoo for us is somewhere...out there (get back in your box Linda Rondstadt...this is not for you kid) Honestly Pumpkins, just as an aside, I seriously do think that Lyrical Tourette's is a legitimate condition with which I am utterly afflicted in the extreme. I hear song lyrics in everyday conversation all the fecking's becoming serious....
Back to the houseypoo....we've almost bought three at time of writing, but as yet are still in the Dogbox. Still, we are not worried for our glasses are half full my darlings (mine with gin and lemon and lime bitters, The Chief's probably with a nice cup of Docker's tea) It will be ours...oh yes it will.
Stop the Press Funkydoodles...I HAVE PURCHASED A PAIR OF TRAINING SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree, I didn't think it would ever materialise either. I am well known for being a 'last minute chick' with an infuriating ability to just about cobble it together right down to the wire and I am probably way too far gone now to change. So, here I am kitted out for this Sunday's romp around the mountain internally chanting a feverish mantra of: Sure what's the worst that can happen?/How hard can it really be? etc Training you say?.....well I did a good forty minutes of huffing and puffing with a talented fella called Stevie. Aaah, get yerselves out of the gutter was exercise on a treadmill whilst listening to Lord God Stevie of Wonderville. So there, that's that then, I have trained. Bodlet Number One's teacher asked me was it a case of the blind leading the blind? Hahaha.....wicked funny woman.
We will have friends of the utmost delectability coming over in order to support, encourage, sympathise and drink and be merry when it's all over and there will be other funkeroos doing their bit to help this bewildered bugger get round the course. It'll be funny and I'll be sure to meet plenty of randoms along the way.
Other stuff of note that has happened: (1) Met the loveliest, happiest, jolliest person in town today. I literally could have chatterooed for hours cos he was so nice. Even The Chief thought he was fab. There really are some genuinely awesometastic people in the world  and do you know what Funydoodlepoodles? time I'm in town, I'm gonna go in his shop and tell him and I think if you meet someone on your travels who is just ace  you should do the same.
(2) We now own 51" of viewing pleasure and no fecking house to put it in! How funny is that?
I am now waffling cos it's late and I'm off to the countryside tomorrow but feel free to keep commenting, tell all your friends, make requests for tunes of a most banging nature. Communication is King y'all. Ciao for now. x

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