Tuesday, 28 June 2011

We Are Family......Love All You Funky Monkeys xx

Hello there Blogbods. It's been a while, I shouldn't have left you...without a dope beat to step to....etc, etc.
Well, apologies in the extreme my darlings for being AWOL. I have quite frankly just not had time of late to deliver anything remotely resembling a blog post, but that does not mean I haven't been thinking about y'all!
During the last few days I have been mostly investigating new houses, planning (and delivering...no pun intended... a baby shower) and doing the reliever thing (supply teaching, if you're not from round these parts) Yes, Mama Sparklepuff has been a busy girl.
This particular posting, has got to be dedicated to the merry band of complete and utter sparkly funksters I like to call my Stargirls, let me tell you about them.....(I know they won't mind)
Again I say to you Blogbods...I am a lucky little feckeroo. I have the most amazingly inspiring, loving, intelligent, strong, remarkable band of girlfriends one could ever wish for. Throughout my life I have always been a 'boy's girl', that is to say I get on well with boys, enjoy male company and have a tendency to gravitate towards male company. So, I have never exactly been awash with girlie chumsters, I've had best friends at school and they remain faborific....so I now have new ones and old ones in abundance.
So, everyone needs friends yes? As a child, your peer relationships help define the type of social creature you become. As an adult, you look for people who share your outlook on life, make you laugh, are reliable and can be turned to for sound, trustworthy advice.
This weekend, I have been love, love, loving hanging out in Chumsville. The Chief often doesn't really understand my need for 'friend time' but it is vital to me. My Girliewhirlies are good for my soul. They are my faborific support network and different ones bring different glittery gorgeousness to the table. They make me laugh almost to the point of seizure, always listen to my crazy mental ramblings, support me in the extreme and even attempt to learn the 'Sparkle Speak'. Plus no-one can dance it out quite like my Disco Dollies (especially the one(sie) found in the 'Glamour aisle', knocking back a wine or two, sure you know who you are...get your mittens on!!!!!!!!!!!)
Cherish your friends Blogeroos, that is the message.....they truly might just save your arse one day.
Feck, this was a tough post, am distracted at the moment...lots going on...mind is akin to a vat of bubbling hypersonic, psychedelic fizzgoo! Here's hoping normal service will be resumed shortly. Stick with it Pumpkins.......I'll come good again, you'll see.......
Well, it's gotta be The Sisters of Sledge hasn't it? Those costumes.....the bubbles....the shoes...and Jimmy Saville. It just doesn't get any better than this! Over and out....xxxx

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