Thursday, 16 June 2011

I'm Movin' On Up! x

Woohoooooooo Blogeroos! And so I'm back...from Outer Space...etc. Hurray, hurrah! A U-Turn (not unlike Usher's, in fact) has been merrily performed and normal service has been resumed. Thank feck for that eh? Had quite a few of you honey puffs worried for a bit there, but never fear.....a true Disco Dolly is never off her game for long.
I must thank so many people for all their kind messages, love, concern and support. It feels so good to know that there are so many sparkly, amazing, thoughtful people in my life. Just remember Pumpkins, anyone can be inspiring, you don't have to have befallen some horrific tragedy or had shit bad luck, or anything like that to be able to make a change to someone's outlook.
In our family, we do something called: 'Passing on the Kindness' and it basically means doing something nice, polite or selfless for someone in the hope that it will make them feel good and then go on to do something nice to a different person. Lets call it 'A Veritable Karma of Loveliness'. Never underestimate the power of a smile to a stranger, telling someone their hair/outfit is nice or the colour suits them. Remarking on a great job done by a colleague, showing an interest in someone's name and remembering it and so on. Ultimately, everyone wants to be happy and we seek that happiness in many different forms. In this life, you either get the feck on with it and squeeze out every drop of fun and frolickdom, or you get to be a wizened old duffer sat in a puddle of piss wondering where the good times went.
If the Sparklies have taught me anything, they have taught me that you've got to just find the fun in the everyday, mundane things. It's not about grand gestures, fancy trips or any of the bells and whistles shit. It's just making human connections, reaching out, being there for someone. Right now, you're where you're meant to be, with the people you're meant to be with so give 'em a hug, tell 'em you love 'em and be chuffed with yourself and the life you've got. I'm glad I've got my Sparkles back, they mean the world to me but I like it so much more when I can share there's some for ya. Spread the Sparkles Blogfriends! Scatter them everywhere you go. I'll find out if you don't.......
So it's my man Curtis tonight Funkeroos. Woefully underrated groover extraordinaire and complete feckin' legend. He was paralysed from the neck down after stage rigging fell on top of him. Still managed to make awesome music though. Go on's all yours kid. xxxx


  1. Nice to see the sparkles back, knew they'd be lurking somewhere!!! By the way, on a totally different subject, how the hell do you know how to choose all these songs. do you know the name of every song in the world!!!! I'd be so stuffed if I blogged like that, think I only know about two song titles. Big hi to that hubby of yours, he sounds awesome.... dance on hon, when you get to my age watching the energy and the enthusiasm of youth is something to treasure...

  2. You will never know how much you helped me Wista Baby!!! Thankyou so much doll, you are an amazing person and a fully essential member of Team Sparkle!
    As for the music...I'm making it my mission to bring bangin' tunes to one and all through the medium of Blogdom. I would be lost without my music and it's kind of a challenge to locate the right song for the post. So good! xx
