Monday, 6 June 2011

The Only Way is Up, Baby.......

Well, hello there Blogdedoodlefriendypeeps. What a day! Began in the most faborific way imaginable. The infants let The Chief and I sleep in until after 9am!!!!!!!!!! Unless you are a parent yourself, this will mean nothing to you. However, if you are blessed with children of your own, you will be acutely aware of how completely wonderific this near marvel would be. Smiles for miles......
Yesterday's post was all about how some friends I love are having tough times. Talking to one funky peach today, she said she felt bad complaining about her problems when here I am rockin' the Wibblies. I told her that someone's problems are never trivial. If you are being affected, becoming stressed or upset or angry about something then it is not trivial, no more or less important, just different. My Parkinson's is currently in it's box and that's how I like it. I choose to allow it to only bring humour and a perspective on life that can help other people see that negatives can always become positives. Yazz was onto it way back in the day.
I am many things to many people Possums, a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, educator and slammin' hot disco dolly (don't forget shy and retiring, modest bugger...hahaha!) One thing I will never ever be though is a 'sufferer' of Parkinson's. To suffer something is to be beaten down, lacking control and, whilst I cannot truly ever have control over how my YOPD (yellow, orange, purple discoball) decides to sparkle, I can control how I allow it to impact on my life. Until now I have been happy to be open with my NZ friends. After all, they see me every day and need to know what's going on with me. My UK friends are different and I don't really know why. I guess that once I do go global, that's kinda it......can't take it back. I know I've been banging on about linking up to other blogs and sites for ages now. I guess this is it.....time to Sparkle and shine. Curtain up, spotlight on me baby.....deep breath, leap of faith and juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuump!!!!!!!!! xx


  1. Yo Spangle Chick! You are the most amazing and fabulous person and I am so proud to call you my friend! Well you've done it, it's on facebook now YOU ARE FAMOUS!! We must have a "coming out party" any excuse... love you Nads xox

  2. Oh my beautiful, completely delicious, faborific friendkin Nadia, I am such a lucky Spangledangle to have you as my friend. Your ability to do and say exactly the right thing at the right time is just one of the many reasons why I love you completely. That and your compassion, your care, the way you always ask me how I am, your love of pizza and sparkly wine, your stellar smile, your confidence and your crapness at maths! You are in short, one of the funkiest monkeys I know and a party is defo what we need so I can thank all my Disco Dollies and Dapper Dons for all the support. I'm planning, planning, planning....... xxxxxx
