Saturday 4 June 2011

Back to Life, Back to Reality

So, here we are Blogbods...back home after a completely fabtastic break away in beautiful, breathtaking Papamoa. Although our time away has definitely recharged the batteries and allowed us all to slow down and take a break from rushing around as part of the daily grind, it is always nice to come home to your own comfy surroundings. I think that time away from the norm is soooo good for the soul. It allows you to appreciate not only what else is out there, but also what you have right there under your nose. Although it is 'Back to Reality', my reality is still a great place to be. Yes, I wish there were more hours in the day. Yes I wish I could spend more time with my amazing A Team, and yes I have made a pledge to spend at least some part of every day doing silly kid stuff and taking more notice of the complete gorgeousness around me, you heard it here first.
On a Wibbly note....I'm seriously preparing to get this blogeroo out there and link up with other Wibbly Wobbly websites and blogs. It's quite a big step for me, but I am channelling my inner Diana (see first ever post) and I feel it is time. I hope that I can use my Shaker Maker status and this here beautiful blog of mine to reach out to YOPD dons and divas (and those who are young at heart) to spread information, positivity and a generous sprinkle of the Sparkles.......C'mon beautiful people, hop on the Sparkle Bus....destination Get Livin'! x

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