Tuesday, 28 June 2011

We Are Family......Love All You Funky Monkeys xx

Hello there Blogbods. It's been a while, I shouldn't have left you...without a dope beat to step to....etc, etc.
Well, apologies in the extreme my darlings for being AWOL. I have quite frankly just not had time of late to deliver anything remotely resembling a blog post, but that does not mean I haven't been thinking about y'all!
During the last few days I have been mostly investigating new houses, planning (and delivering...no pun intended... a baby shower) and doing the reliever thing (supply teaching, if you're not from round these parts) Yes, Mama Sparklepuff has been a busy girl.
This particular posting, has got to be dedicated to the merry band of complete and utter sparkly funksters I like to call my Stargirls, let me tell you about them.....(I know they won't mind)
Again I say to you Blogbods...I am a lucky little feckeroo. I have the most amazingly inspiring, loving, intelligent, strong, remarkable band of girlfriends one could ever wish for. Throughout my life I have always been a 'boy's girl', that is to say I get on well with boys, enjoy male company and have a tendency to gravitate towards male company. So, I have never exactly been awash with girlie chumsters, I've had best friends at school and they remain faborific....so I now have new ones and old ones in abundance.
So, everyone needs friends yes? As a child, your peer relationships help define the type of social creature you become. As an adult, you look for people who share your outlook on life, make you laugh, are reliable and can be turned to for sound, trustworthy advice.
This weekend, I have been love, love, loving hanging out in Chumsville. The Chief often doesn't really understand my need for 'friend time' but it is vital to me. My Girliewhirlies are good for my soul. They are my faborific support network and different ones bring different glittery gorgeousness to the table. They make me laugh almost to the point of seizure, always listen to my crazy mental ramblings, support me in the extreme and even attempt to learn the 'Sparkle Speak'. Plus no-one can dance it out quite like my Disco Dollies (especially the one(sie) found in the 'Glamour aisle', knocking back a wine or two, sure you know who you are...get your mittens on!!!!!!!!!!!)
Cherish your friends Blogeroos, that is the message.....they truly might just save your arse one day.
Feck, this was a tough post, am distracted at the moment...lots going on...mind is akin to a vat of bubbling hypersonic, psychedelic fizzgoo! Here's hoping normal service will be resumed shortly. Stick with it Pumpkins.......I'll come good again, you'll see.......
Well, it's gotta be The Sisters of Sledge hasn't it? Those costumes.....the bubbles....the shoes...and Jimmy Saville. It just doesn't get any better than this! Over and out....xxxx

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Walk....Don't Walk....Aaah Go On Walk! x

G'Day Blogpeeps! Today it's all about me and the little walk that I'm doing in a couple of weeks. OMG....this crazy Sparklies ride sure is taking me to places I never would have gone to in different circumstances. A sponsored walk?....ha, maybe when you're a school kid and the idea of getting cool hard cash out of unsuspecting halfwits who would only sponsor you in the vain hope that you failed miserably in your chosen quest was enough of a draw. I tell you what though Blogchums, I'm really getting rather excited about it. The Chief has dusted off the treadmill and 'hippity hop' I'm on it. Me and my trusty tunes were stomping for all we were worth all in the name of 'Sparklification for the Nation.'
It would appear that I really can't stop this crazy Jelly Bus ride that I'm on and, after that slight wobblydoodle when I first popped my head out of the closet (you all lived it with me....) it would appear that the need to leap out with a great big 'TA DAAAAAAAH" (complete with Jazz Hands and a megawatt smile) has simply not diminished. I told you that this Parkyfest is absolutely going to bring me nothing but awesomely positive experiences. Through this walk, I am going to reach out to people in my wider circle and share my big 'secret' with people who know nothing much about me. I am also going hard out to spread the message that this Sparklies thingumydoodle can happen to anyone. Even a perky little funkster like me!
I went looking for the colour for the Parkinson's Disease ribbon the other day (you know, like Breast Cancer has pink, AIDS has red etc) The Parkinson's colour is....yes, you guessed it.....grey. Well how fecking uninspiring is that?!?....except when you say grey, my ears actually hear silver. Hurrah!!! Silver I can work with. Bring out the ra-ra dress and the tiara...things are looking up. Hmmmm......still no trainers though...bugger, best get onto it really, sigh.....
I am committed to this new challenge and will feel completely super duper trooper when I complete it...and I will complete it, you heard it here first. This is my determined face boys n girls! If you're in the area, I will be bugging you to come and support me in person. If you can't be there please be there in spirit and I'll sing a little song along the way in your honour.
Whilst we're on that subject Funky Fresh Fabsters.....the Soundtrack:
I truly cannot believe I've been blogging for so long and this is the first appearance for the most wildly and woefully underrated musical genius of our time (in my opinion) Prince Rogers Nelson....there are no words, I love, love, love this man and his music. Please, as a favour to me, You Tube his ass and listen to any random selection of five songs and I guarantee you will be in awe at what this dude can do. This song is by no means his best and it's still shit hot. Go to it.......choose a track, close your eyes and...............yep, then you'll know.........xx

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Everyday I'm Shufflin' (Or Kinda How I Deal With the Wibblywoos) x

OMG Mother Hubbards.....I've had an epiphany of epic proportions that I just needed to share with you. That coupled with the fact that otherwise there'd be nowt down for youse to read two days running, and that's just not on.
So, it's all about the soundtrack tonight Blogbods. LMFAO is a creation of untold genius (in my humble opinion) The video to this track is, quite honestly and in all seriousness an insight into what the contents of my brain and innermost mental ramblings look like! True story Pumpkins, I love the colours, the clothes, the hair, the energy, of course the 'Shuffling' which is off the feckin chain and which leads me onto how I see my Sparklies (most of the time).......
I am a very lucky little fecker, it has to be said. My symptoms are so far moving slowly, meds are doing their funky thang, no one but my Supa Fly Crack Team of Ace in the Place Megadoodles would notice any real change in my physical state and I am riddled with energy, motivation and zippedy zing zang zooooom! That completely makes my day, but I am guessing that not every Yellow, Orange and Pink Discoball owner is livin' the dream quite so much. I guess in a way that person was who I originally decided to write for...a kind of "C'mon Dude, it can't just be me that has this crazy outlook on a life with Parkypants. Let's Sparkle and dance it out..." Strangely, but absolutely astoundingly, there are heaps of people in my day to day life who seem to appreciate the Sparkles when they are given, and almost lack them without realising. I guess everyone needs a touch of random positivity, niceness for nothing and a genuine smile once in a while. I reckon all you really have to do is take hold of your dingy arse, dark, dullard, blah, blah, bleurgh moment, recognise it for what it is, breathe and then.........channel the power of this video. Play it in your head....become the Robot Man (complete with flashing eyes people, c'mon) I guarantee, you'll be smiling in no time and that's a major feckin start my friends. Just like Janet and Luther quite rightly told us: The Best Things in Life Are Free and there's never a price on The Sparkles. They just feel goooooood. So, Shufflebods.....watch the vid. Then watch again and that right there Funketeers is what I call Heaven......it's Happytown...........and I would fully rock the Union flag corset affair too (but mine would be more colourful and there'd obviously be a tiara and seriously vertiginous heels!!!!!!) xxxxx

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Daddy Cool! xx

Welcome Blogsters, one and all. How the Holy Jaysus are we tonight? I am as grand as a very grand thing, nestled snugly in a box marked grand.
Today has been fun in a bun. Me and my tremendously terrific, mega supa dupa fly A Team haven't done much in all fairness and the smallest members have been on a mission to piss each other off at any opportunity. That said, it's still been nice. We've had visits from two of my very best funky fly friends and one in particular has made me happy to the tippy top of my head. Why? I hear you ask....well she has made a great big fat monumental decision....
She is grabbing life by the bollocks my friends....she has experienced different things both this year and last, that have rocked her but have ultimately made her ditch her inner hamster on a wheel and decide to go after what she really wants. As I always say, happiness won't ever just turn up and gatecrash the party...you have to invite it, make it feel welcome and encourage it to stick around. I am sooo excited at this particular Fun Puff's plans for the future. She is radiant and effervescent and simply Sparkles....Sparkles....Sparkles! How cool is that? You are awesome my Glittery Girl, I can't wait to hear all about how your plans work out. The other friend has got to be the most unassuming person I know. She does not lack confidence or self esteem in any way, but she still has no idea how beautiful, funny, loyal, inspirational and amazing she really is. Plus she makes a feckin wicked as lemon cake... I am tempted to hide it!!!!!
Shake up the bag a bit Blogheads...that's the message. Change it up, dare yourself to try something new.....always have a challenge to work towards and laugh in the face of your comfort zone. You never know there might just be an incredible friend to meet, a breathtaking place to discover or a phenomenal experience to enjoy. What's the worst that can happen? Go on Blogeroos.....what are you going to do today (or tomorrow..depends on when you're reading this...) that is different to the norm? Mine?....I posted my entry for the 10km walk to raise money for a Parky charity. I am so not a sporty chick so this is a new deal for me, but I know it will be a feckin blast and my megatastic support fairies will be out in force to send me triumphantly on my way.
OMG Pumpkins...even in the written word I appear to be a complete gobshite! Look at the title chumsters....this post is supposed to about someone I love completely with all my heart.
Today is Father's Day in the Mother Country. A day to celebrate Dads and be thankful for all that they are and all that they do. My Dad is one of those people who upon entering a room, everyone notices. He makes people feel good, has the gift of the gab and enough Blarney to get him out of any tricky situation.....and there are plenty of them in any given 24 hour period hahahahaha!
He is, quite literally, sunshine on a stick and I miss miss having him close by. The Sparkles actually began many moons ago, with a deliciously kind and beautiful (inside and out) classy lady from Liverpool, who was quietly confident yet ferociously proud and loved and laughed with all of her heart and soul. She passed them on in bucket loads to her lad. It is my fabtastic Dapper Don Disco Daddy who is responsible for teaching me that positivity is better than a negative mindset, for giving me crazy, throw your head back laughs, for teaching me the power of sharing a smile and for always being so generous with his time, love and excellent advice. He is responsible for sharing with me the unsurpassed joy of driving whilst playing seriously bangin' tunes, several notches too loud and singing at the top of my lungs. Through Glorious Girla, he is the one to blame for my adoration of all things shoelike and shamelessly fans the flames of my borderline addiction. The last time we were together we danced in the street! We talked, laughed, cried, hugged, drank (heaps) and had the best fun, just like we always do. My God Funksters, he lives his life. His Sparkles never ever waver and I think he rocks. So, Happy Father's Day Daddydoodle! Would you have a few sherbets for me and don't forget the cashews. We'll say nowt about the pan of peas hahaha! Sparkle hard, the very coolest, Daddy Cool.  xxxx
RIP PM.....your lad is missing you today. x

Friday, 17 June 2011

Feel My Love xxxx

Word up Blogsters! How are youse all doing? I'm grand as it happens, I am at peace with all things houselike, even though a mild shitstorm is brewing. Phonecalls and e-meithers have been coming out of our ears, yet The Chief and I continue in our Zen like state or, as I prefer to liken it to, 'Our Batfink State of Mind'....."Your bullets cannot harm me, my wings are like a shield of steel!" Go on Batfink lad, you've got the idea. Buying a house is yet another one of life's examples of no matter how hard you want something, if it's not meant to be it won't happen, but if it's meant for you...you'll get it.
I am so acutely aware of the fact that I am on this journey with truly the most faborific fun puff of them all. D'ya know what my little Noodle Doodles? I've been really struggling for the last twenty minutes or so to figure out where my thoughts are running today. So, then it hit me. I will tell you all about my man.........
So, hand on heart right? We shouldn't work...at all. Opposites attract do they?.....well hell yeah, we well and truly bought that T-shirt. Here are some examples: The funkiest of all my monkeys is tall, I am what I like to call compact. He has domestic prowess, I am still a work in progress. He has a razor sharp mind (fecking irritating beyond belief during any debate or discussion) mine is flaky and easily distracted by shiny, glittery things. He is quietly confident, I am a bit of a gobshite, I dance, he doesn't. I sing (voice of an...ahem...angel) all the fecking time, he doesn't. Him: daytime, tea, practical, frugal.....Moi: night owl, coffee, Lala Land, frivolous. Are you getting the picture?
This fella has been in my life for almost sixteen years and, although I wasn't remotely looking when I met him, I couldn't shake this guy. Like I say....you are where you're meant to be surrounded by people who you're supposed to be with. Life just works like that.
 So, cut to the timeline: move in together, yada, yada, yada, house, married, honeymoon, baby, emigrate, baby, all going swimmingly, rosylicious and fun then "BOOM, SHAKE SHAKE, SHAKE THE ROOM!" it all goes a bit on the tits up side when the Jelly Bus pulls up. The Chief's love, support, devotion never ever wavered, not once, not ever and I will always completely adore him for that. A simple holding of hands in the car on the way home from Diagnosis: Sparklies and a firm "We'll be alright, you know" along with that crinkly eyed smile that I love, gave me all the strength I needed at a time when I've never needed it more. You know Blogsters, you say those vows when you get married, but you're not really paying attention because all you really want to do is be married and get the feck on with it. Sometimes, I guess those vows come back to check that you're the real deal. He is...he so is.
People tend to focus on the person with the 'condition' in cases like obtaining Sparkledom. How am I feeling? How am I coping? Is everything ok with me? That's great, but don't forget, the spouse, partner, whatever's life has suddenly been chucked into a big, fat mulcheroo of utter wank and foetid ming too. As I've said before, this is gonna be one hell of a ride, but so long as I have The Chief, I know I'll be ok. He's a fixer, my guy and this is something that simply cannot be fixed. So, he researches, nags, notices stuff, asks questions, demands answers all on my behalf. We are different in so many ways, but we fit like pieces in a jigsaw. We have each other's back, although this is well and truly my gig, he is completely living it with me, and don't get me started on those delectable Bodlets.
Life as we knew it has changed, of course. However, so long as 'The Bolshy Mare' remains in her box, we'll live our lives, me and him, him and me. Sometimes I feel like I'm an extra burden to him since I'll never really share the financial responsibilities equally again, but shit happens and we'll figure it out. When the going gets tough.....the tough step up and I am a lucky fucker in all honesty. He loves me (but laments the loss of my bangin' fun puffs, even I miss them...they were special...rapid weight loss = bye bye Bouncylicious Bad Boys of Breasticle Town)
The Sparklies are making me want to live life at 100 miles an hour. I feel like I'm smacked off my tits on blue skittles half the time and so our differences seem starker but however we deal with something as big of a head fuck as the Sparklies.....we always come back to the simple fact of I love him and he loves me. How cool is that? xxxx
Main soundtrack: Adele OMG Blogbods....this track renders me to tears within the first three seconds. Says all I want to say to my Chief. Have thrown in a side order of India Arie cos I love her. Go on now....feck off, stop reading this shite and tell someone that you love them and be so very grateful that they're in your life. Mwahs xxxxx

Thursday, 16 June 2011

I'm Movin' On Up! x

Woohoooooooo Blogeroos! And so I'm back...from Outer Space...etc. Hurray, hurrah! A U-Turn (not unlike Usher's, in fact) has been merrily performed and normal service has been resumed. Thank feck for that eh? Had quite a few of you honey puffs worried for a bit there, but never fear.....a true Disco Dolly is never off her game for long.
I must thank so many people for all their kind messages, love, concern and support. It feels so good to know that there are so many sparkly, amazing, thoughtful people in my life. Just remember Pumpkins, anyone can be inspiring, you don't have to have befallen some horrific tragedy or had shit bad luck, or anything like that to be able to make a change to someone's outlook.
In our family, we do something called: 'Passing on the Kindness' and it basically means doing something nice, polite or selfless for someone in the hope that it will make them feel good and then go on to do something nice to a different person. Lets call it 'A Veritable Karma of Loveliness'. Never underestimate the power of a smile to a stranger, telling someone their hair/outfit is nice or the colour suits them. Remarking on a great job done by a colleague, showing an interest in someone's name and remembering it and so on. Ultimately, everyone wants to be happy and we seek that happiness in many different forms. In this life, you either get the feck on with it and squeeze out every drop of fun and frolickdom, or you get to be a wizened old duffer sat in a puddle of piss wondering where the good times went.
If the Sparklies have taught me anything, they have taught me that you've got to just find the fun in the everyday, mundane things. It's not about grand gestures, fancy trips or any of the bells and whistles shit. It's just making human connections, reaching out, being there for someone. Right now, you're where you're meant to be, with the people you're meant to be with so give 'em a hug, tell 'em you love 'em and be chuffed with yourself and the life you've got. I'm glad I've got my Sparkles back, they mean the world to me but I like it so much more when I can share them....so there's some for ya. Spread the Sparkles Blogfriends! Scatter them everywhere you go. I'll find out if you don't.......
So it's my man Curtis tonight Funkeroos. Woefully underrated groover extraordinaire and complete feckin' legend. He was paralysed from the neck down after stage rigging fell on top of him. Still managed to make awesome music though. Go on Curtis....it's all yours kid. xxxx

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Just Dance......Why Yes, What a Splendid Idea!

Hey up Blogheads! Ok, have had a day off from being Princess Perky Pants and quite frankly it was not fun in the slightest. I do not like it when Stress Bunny comes a bothering so I have told her in no uncertain terms to jog on! D'ya know what Pumpkins?....The Chief and I have made a pact to go with the flow, Que sera sera and all that (I is all continental and talkin' foreign innit?) There clearly is only one answer: heels-check, tiara-check, bangin' tunes at obscene volume and............. DANCE IT OUT. Go on Gaga, get yer meat suit on love, yer up! Sparkle Hard Munchkins xxxx

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Where's Your Head At?

Greetings Blogfriends! Are we having fun today? Hope so. As for me...hmmmmmmmmmm. It turns out that all of this talking, thinking and writing about my Sparklies is kinda taking it's toll. I am finding that some of my symptoms (so far shunted off to dwell in the dirty, grubby mosh pit of lard where they belong) have returned. Aaah, feck! That wasn't part of the plan at all. I'm conscious that new people are aware of what's going on with me and, just like before, I feel 'on show'. Back is the 'BIG FAT BASTARD NEON SIGN' around me bellowing 'DICKY ARM....ROLL UP, ROLL UP, WE'VE GOT LEG DRAGGING AND NERVOUS WOBBLES IN THE HOUSE!!!" It took a long while for me to shut that gobby fucker up and I really don't want to rouse it's arse again. Just goes to show you what a massive part stuff like mind over matter, positive thinking and of course, my personal favourite the ability to 'Fake it to Make it' plays in the whole living life like a 'normal' person thing. Yep having put the bolshy mare that is Ms Sparklies back in her jewel encrusted box on a very high shelf in a land far, far away.......she is after popping up into everyday life again. Uninvited, I might add...cheeky bugger!
So, there you go Blogeroos...this positivity Sparkles shit I spout isn't as easy as I make it look. I earn the right to be overwhelmingly perky because I've put the hours in to get there and, if it helps someone else along the way too, then for sure that's the cherry on top but ultimately I'm like this because I have to be...call it a survival instinct.
I completely and utterly, with my whole heart and soul believe that if your head is right (and by that I mean you are in a positive, open mindset, where negative people, thoughts and comments get canned at the door) there is no obstacle that cannot be tackled to the extent that it improves quality of life and affords a semblance of taking control over whatever is being an annoying little crap sack Sparkle stealer. Unfortunately, it does not rid the Earth of Man Utd fans.
So my little Party Funksters, where's my head at? The dozy arse has taken a wrong turn to Stress City, Population: far too feckin' many! I'm pretty sure the whole buying of a new house isn't exactly helping either. A beautifully wise and astute Irish woman I know said to  me today "You know Katherine, if it's meant for you it'll fall into your lap." She is, of course quite right. Why worry about the things you can't change, or control? Frustrating as it is, if it's out of your hands there's not a lot you can do. Instead, focus on ways in which you can improve aspects of your life within your control...like your mindset.
Bloody hell Pumpkins....I feel like I'm turning into some freaky self-help guru. If I begin extolling the virtues of joss sticks and kaftans you are allowed to tan my virtual arse!
It was a tough choice for Soundtrack tonight, folks. MJ was, of course, the natural choice (I love the song, so he's in anyway) but it's over to Basement Jaxx, they tell it like it is......xxxx

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Are You Gonna Go My Way? My Story of The Sparklies (Pt 2) x

Ok Blogbods...you got through the sad one (well done, thanks for sticking with it!) I have a little saying which goes a bit like: "You've got to wade through the stinkerific, shitstorm of Crapville, in order to truly appreciate the wonderous glow of Sparkly fabulocity." You dig? Feel free to quote me, I'm all about sharing. Who's ready for Act Two? Really? Ok, snuggle up then Poppets.....off we go:
So, this is how I feel.......Honestly, truly and with hand on heart, I have never ever done the "Why me?"/"Poor me"/"What have I done to deserve this?" scenario. It's just not me, that's not how we roll. Looking back through old photos, it seems like I've always had a bit of a dicky left arm and along with the spooky big right thumbnail/small left thumbnail craziness that one neuro noticed about me, it kinda seems as if something like this was always going to happen to me.
So I'm left figuring out what to do with this new facet to my life. Parkinson's (or Sparklies as I like to call it, you guys know me now, so it's new name is surely no surprise) is here to stay. Yes, it sucks big time, not just for me but also for all those amazingly precious and treasured people who love me and care about me. When I think of it like that, then I get sad. What to do then? I could bitch and moan, cry and wail about the overwhelming injustice of it all yada, yada, yada. Oh and please, if you've reacted to your diagnosis like that, I don't want you to think I'm judging or belittling your reaction, everyone is different. It's just that, when you're done crying and shouting and banging your fists, it's like oops it turns out there's Little Old Sparkly Knickers, still there giving a cheeky wink and a knowing smile. So I have a choice. Do I accept it, or fight it? I choose to accept it and all the potential shit bombs it can throw at me.
My deliciously amazing, maddeningly wise, no-nonsense, crazy ass therapist once said to me: "LIVE IN THE NOW" (That implies she shouted it, she never, she's actually very softly spoken...I just wanted to make sure those of you at the back in the cheap seats were still awake and with me) This has been perhaps the very best advice I have ever been given. (as well as moisturise daily, always be polite and never trust a man without a belt?!?) She also came up with "co-operate with the inevitable" in other words deal with it if and when it comes. So that's what I do. Every day I give a little nod of thanks to this amazing lady who I met at just the right time and who I credit with arming me with the tools and skills to survive this virgin territory I now shimmy through (in heels, and often a tiara) I'll tell yer this kids, so far so good :-)
The thing I resented the most about my Sparklies was that it had robbed me of my confidence and ability to dance. You should've seen me on my 30th birthday Blogeroos. I tore up the dancefloor like a woman possessed. That feeling had gone, I was utterly bereft of mojo and I knew that I wouldn't truly have this bolshy mare back in her box until I was back rockin' the dancefloor again.
Here I am telling you Funksters that said dancefloor is now regularly ignited to within an inch of it's life on a regular basis by little old moi. Thanks, in no particular order to great music, adorable friends, my meds and the renewed confidence to dance my skinny little butt off. Talk about every cloud... I must tell you about the day I got into a slinky size 10 (SIZE 10!!!) sparkly ra-ra dress. That was a moment of excited mini hand clapping and a slightly weird little dance in the changing room....I'd never been a size 10. Remind me to divulge more about morphing into slimtastic Svelterina Ballerina another day. You girlie wobblers who are new to the Sparklies, will enjoy......
In short, telling family = very fecking hard (especially because my parents and sibling live on the other side of the world) Telling friends = easier. I even thought of having a 'Coming Out' party with wobbly jelly and cocktails (shaken not stirred, of course) but thought it might fall flat on it's arse, you never know do ya?
I have got to say my support network are nothing short of amazing. My darling husband (we call him The Chief) keeps me grounded and the awe and respect I have for him for the truly classy way he has dealt with this Parky business is huge. He loves me, no matter what. (Despite the sad and sorry deflating of my once ample and badoingy-bouncetastic fun puffs - All Hail the Padded Bra!!!!) The vows we made to each other hold true and I don't want to say anymore because I want to tell you all about my wonderful man in a post all to himself. It is important for me to thank him for his love, his voracious quest for knowledge and information and the way he tells me it's going to be ok.
I am under no illusions that I am currently in the 'Honeymoon Period' but honestly my little chick peas, I feel the outlook I have adopted works for me. Good always follows bad like sunshine always follows rain and better yet, I can rock a pair of skinny jeans like you wouldn't feckin believe!!!! Ha ha ha :-)
Where am I at right now with my Sparklies? I'm kicking it's arse! I am living and loving with all of my heart and soul. Who knows what the future holds? No-one does, so on with the dance. As I have said before, I refuse to let this road I'm on be for nothing but positive gain. I intend to make a difference not in a dickhead, pageanty kinda way...but in terms of the message I can give, the incredible people I am meeting, the wonderful places I will inevitably go to. It's all good, it can never be anything but good. I have a wonderful future ahead of me, what a feckin awesome ride it's gonna be! Are you in? Ahh, go on now, get yerselves a seat on The Spangledangle Wibblytastic Funkylicious Sparkle Bus. Everyone who's anyone will be there. Driver? Are You Gonna Go My Way?...........xxxx

Saturday, 11 June 2011

The Story....My Story of The Sparklies (Pt 1) x

Well, it was always gonna need to be done Pumpkins. Today's snippet of Blogwisdom is the big one baby! How it all began......
Once upon a time (March 2010) in a grey little office somewhere in Cambridge NZ, I became the winner of a ticket to the ride of my life. Toot! Toot! All aboard the Parky Train, next stop Wibblyville....Yes Possums, a lovely, quiet, unassuming and very polite man, looked up from his pad of paper, put down his pen and calmly shattered my world with four words "You've got Parkinson's Disease."
"Ah, fuck!" were, I think the exact words I used, but I'll try not to swear too much whilst I get all this off my (once ample) chest. This Blogbods is my story.......(cue atmospheric tinkly piano music)
So, Funksters, it's sometime in 2006. The Chief and I have moved to Great Lake Taupo and I'm teaching in a low decile school where they work hard, play hard and expectations are high. We're doing Jump Jam one morning and one of the moves I'm doing is one we termed Octopus Arms (also referred to as Nelly Furtado Arms by those of us in the know!) So the funny thing is, that it turns out I can't feckin' do it. My right arm is floppy as a jellyfish on flaccid tablets, but the left one refuses to channel it's inner Nelly, has completely opted out of floppy class and won't do what I want it to do. I am becoming aware that this is weird.
Cut to the doctors initial diagnosis: dodgy ulna nerve, bit of surgery, bish bash bosh right as rain Madam. Fab news (pregnant with Bodlet number 2 at this time) Cue second opinion...aaaahhh, right so....it's not the ulna nerve thing then you say? Several specialists later, much poking, prodding, stretching, wiggling, sighing, shaking of heads and we are no further on. Shite.
Feeling v uneasy now Possums, not liking this not knowing what's going on with my body malarkey. I just needed someone to grab this by the bollocks and help me figure out what's going wrong. By now we have muscle wastage, serious lack of dexterity and a bit of a dodgy limp. Hurrah! I didn't, and still don't have the shaky doodles that some Wibblers have (unless bizarrely I'm cold or nervous) I did however have a stiff claw like thang going on too....
So me and The Chief consult Dr Wiki and through a process of elimination, turn up on the doorstep of motor neurone disease. Five years then painful death and rubbish existence beforehand. No more wife, no more Mama. Fuck-de-doodle shite on a stick. Tears, desperate hugs, more tears. Hang on though....there's all this stuff that doesn't apply to me, it's not motor neurone after all so I'm not going to die, yippee!!!! Ok, so now we've seen the worst, whatever it is we can deal with it.
Cue a fabulous neurologist (the quiet world shatterer from before and a bollock grabber as it turns out!) Diagnosis: Parkinson's on a platter. Result! Turns out Peeps, I'm the second youngest in NZ - Go Me!!!
Well, that's all for tonight Blogheads because you'll be needing a wee soon and you should always leave your readers on a cliffhanger...........
So, The Chief is calling. As for the Soundtrack, never heard of this Brandi chick. Just typed in 'The Story Lyrics' and the Googlemonster spat her out. OMG I am a gifted lyric locater. Just the ticket. Not my usual funky affair but I am very open minded. Enjoy and please leave a comment, I like getting post! ;-) xxxx

Friday, 10 June 2011

I Feel Good! x

Well, hello my Supa Dupa Fly Funkerific Blogdedoodleheads! Holy Jaysus Peeps, so much going on where does a Disco Dolly begin?!?! Well, it turns out this being all grown up lark I was telling you about is all set to continue since we have gone conditional on the new casa!!!! Should all be done and dusted by the 24th so watch this space........Did someone say House Warming Party?!?
This turn of events is going to be absolutely splendiferous in the extreme as we are really keen to have our own little patch of this amazing place we call Godzone. Setting down some strong roots has been a priority for The Funky Fly A Team for ages now, and now it's all coming to fruition. Hurray! Hurrah! and a side order of Whoop-de-doo, if you don't mind.
A factor to consider when buying a new property.....you quickly become utterly fecking piss poor in the cashola department. But wait....what's this?...... a colleague in need of a regular reliever in her Education Centre?......why yes....I'll be up for that Madam! 5 weeks of ears ringing to the beautiful dulcet tones of 'Kerching, kerching and again I say kerching'. Of course....I'd love to be shimmying off to donate all these delectable dollars to the Boogielicious Dress and Heels Society, but it's ok because it is destined for items that I can still get excited about such as: dining furniture, a sparkly silver fridge, paint (yes, that is exciting in my world!) and other fun and games.
Further to this outpouring of fun in a bun, The Chief has challenged me (now that I am out of the Sparkly closet) to do something both physical and charitable to raise funds and awareness for my fellow Wibblywoos. So, I am entering an upcoming Off Road Half Marathon on July 10th!!!! Hmmmmmm, well you know, when I say half marathon, obviously I mean the 10km walk option. Ah, c'mon Blogeroos...you Peachy Funksters know me by now, it's enough that I'm gonna be wearing trainers, running was never going to be part of the plan! Still, dress ups are an option (dress ups are always an option in my world!!!!) I'm wondering if Parkinson's has a colour, you know like Breast Cancer has pink and....erm, other charities have other colours?!? Oh dear, if I'm going to be 'Sparkly Fundraiser Extraordinaire' then I guess I'm going to have to get with the programme.
I'm so, so, so, glad that I took the plunge and sent this bad boy blog out to the masses, I feel good (oooohh, I feel some JB coming on again, yey!!!) about opening up, I'm already networking with heaps of faborific Sparkly Wibblers like me and that is tippety toptastic!
So although I'm so excited and yes, you guessed it I just can't hide it....those Pointer Sisters lose out to the utter genius of Funkmaster General James Brown as Soundtrack of the Day! Go on kid, he's tearing up the stage....check out the man's moves! I could watch this fella for ever. Just noticed that his look is given a massive feck off nod by Janelle Monae (who I also love) T-t-t-tip on the Tightrope...hell yeah baby.
There's too much talent out there Chumeroos. Parkinson's I can deal with, but I would be fit for nothing but a home for the bewildered if I couldn't see awesomeness like you see in the clips and hear the funk soul genius in the music I love. Mad love to people dealing with those hardships, but we all find a way to cope (hopefully) with the hand we are dealt in life. Making me think of my beloved Grandad now. RIP Jack Dalzell, 'The Gentleman of County Down.' With gentle grace and the utmost class you made a quiet noise that resonates with me still and out of respect for what became your path, you will never hear me complain. Right so......would love to bring you my girl Janelle, but can't get the vid clip I'm looking for. Will work on it Blogbods 'cos it's freakin' off the chain! Mwahs xx

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Opposite of Adults?.....Hell Yeah!

Hey Possums! How are we all tonight? Good? I trust you are all 'Sparkling Hard!' Today Myself and the delectable Chief have been mostly going about buying a house. V grown up eh? The process in NZ is v different to in the UK where you can basically do all your bartering backwards and forwards over the phone and then bugger off to the pub to see if you've bagged yourself a new casa. Here it's all paperwork and faff and is much more serious (although admittedly not once The Chief and I get going!) Had to get a fecking solicitor today, now that's adult in the extreme Blogbods! Will have to wait and see if we are Movin' On UP...Movin' On Out (M People quiz: apart from Heather Small and Shovel...can you name any other member of M People no Googling either....)
Well, I hate to say it Popstars, but you've caught me on a lean night, not much news going on. Well, there was a trip to hospital, knackers out, and the joy of finding Haribo sweets in the local Supermarket but I am a bit of a tired bunny tonight. Sending Sparkles galore my delicious Blogwins. Am busy getting the Sparkles out to other blogs etc so stay with me, we'll be like a great big happy family of funksters all around the world. Chiddy Bang...you're up. xxxx

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Who Me?.....I'm Just Fine Baby!

Good evening Blogmates! Well, what a merry band of Faborific Wonderpuffs we are becoming. It is so unbelievably awesome that you would take the time to read this stuff I churn out. Your support means absolutely everything to me. I am stronger than ever before simply because I have you delicious Funk Fairies in my corner. Coming out, like properly, has been one of the most difficult things I have ever done. But Holy Feckeroo, I feel so empowered! It's actually a great feeling, one of those times where you think: "Why didn't I do this ages ago?" I am determined that the Wibblywoos are going to be a blessing not a curse. I intend for this path I'm on to lead me to amazing places, to allow me to meet even more incredible people, bring me immense joy and satisfaction and above all else my little chick peas....SPREAD THE SPARKLES!!!!! It's gonna be a mantra for life. For some reason, this is what's meant for me in this life so I'm going to work my arse off to turn it into something that is only ever positive and sparkles and shines like the biggest most megarific discoball you could ever imagine. Life is a roller coaster Ronan honey and you do indeed have to ride it, but sadly you have not won the prize of Title Track. Arise Mary J! You always slam it girl......go tell 'em! xxxxx

PS Put the lyrics up 'cos they say everything I want to get across and I didn't want any of you Peachy Peeps to miss out. You absolutely must completely promise to check out the main vid clip off You Tube though. Miss Mary J is absolutely the funkiest damn chick on this planet. Shit...if she ever bred with my main man Prince, that infant would tear it up just walking to school! Mwahs, mwahs, mwahs........xxxx

Monday, 6 June 2011

The Only Way is Up, Baby.......

Well, hello there Blogdedoodlefriendypeeps. What a day! Began in the most faborific way imaginable. The infants let The Chief and I sleep in until after 9am!!!!!!!!!! Unless you are a parent yourself, this will mean nothing to you. However, if you are blessed with children of your own, you will be acutely aware of how completely wonderific this near marvel would be. Smiles for miles......
Yesterday's post was all about how some friends I love are having tough times. Talking to one funky peach today, she said she felt bad complaining about her problems when here I am rockin' the Wibblies. I told her that someone's problems are never trivial. If you are being affected, becoming stressed or upset or angry about something then it is not trivial, no more or less important, just different. My Parkinson's is currently in it's box and that's how I like it. I choose to allow it to only bring humour and a perspective on life that can help other people see that negatives can always become positives. Yazz was onto it way back in the day.
I am many things to many people Possums, a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, educator and slammin' hot disco dolly (don't forget shy and retiring, modest bugger...hahaha!) One thing I will never ever be though is a 'sufferer' of Parkinson's. To suffer something is to be beaten down, lacking control and, whilst I cannot truly ever have control over how my YOPD (yellow, orange, purple discoball) decides to sparkle, I can control how I allow it to impact on my life. Until now I have been happy to be open with my NZ friends. After all, they see me every day and need to know what's going on with me. My UK friends are different and I don't really know why. I guess that once I do go global, that's kinda it......can't take it back. I know I've been banging on about linking up to other blogs and sites for ages now. I guess this is it.....time to Sparkle and shine. Curtain up, spotlight on me baby.....deep breath, leap of faith and juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuump!!!!!!!!! xx

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Girl, Put Your Records On.... :-)

Aaaahhhh, Blogeroos......welcome and how do you do? Survived the night (with very sad, sore feet though) danced up a storm and had a wicked ass time. Hurrah! Thank God for music and dancing and all the extraordinarily amazing people I have in my life. I am one lucky Pipsqueak, I'll tell yer that Blogbods. However, I feel slightly bleurgh today because some of my darling friendypoos have accidentally missed the bus to Sparkleford, for a variety of different reasons.
One delicious little soul is finding that people will not let go of past dramas and have dredged up stuff that ought to have been left in the past. Why do people do that? I can never understand a person's compunction to cause hurt over past mistakes. My friendydoodle has paid and is still paying dearly for the path she now takes, but sometimes there is no other option, that is the way it has to be. Happiness doesn't come looking for ya...you've got to find it wherever you can and hold it tight. At some point you've got to let the bad stuff go, because negativity will grow and grow. You can never, ever Sparkle if you hold on to the things that make you angry or bitter. Sparkles need an open heart Possums, there will always be those people who just feckin push your buttons, rub you up the wrong way or are just downright mean or rude or spiteful. These types of people can only get a hold on you if you let them. The Sparkles are your armour (I hope my Funky Pumpkin is reading this!!!....with wine in hand and a bangin' tune on the stereo) let battle commence!!!! Hit 'em hard with a smile and two fingers aimed high in the air. No-one is perfect, after all.....
My other little Funkeroo feels trapped in a place where burnout is the name of the game. Being possibly one of the most motivated, high achieving, kick ass people I have ever come across, this megatastic, inspirational, crazy little workaholic bunny has found that the holy grail of 'work/life balance' is slipping away.....The more you give, the more some people take simply because if you're doing it, they don't have to give it headspace...box ticked..move on..not my problem. I've been there and so has The Chief and it sucks. You give your heart and soul, but somehow it is never enough. This particular Spangledangle is figuring it out, the dream is not being lived and so something has to give. I applaud her courage in standing up and saying: "I can't actually do this anymore."
You only get one shot at this thing they call happiness Peeps, gotta grab it any which way you can. True story.
Bit of an epic one tonight Bloggyschizzles, but if I get all this out of my head, I'll sleep like a baby and be fresher than the Fresh Prince in the am. Over to Corinne Bailey Rae...beautiful song baby and tells my girlies what they need to know.......x

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Got Canned Heat in My Heels Tonight Baby!

Hello chumsters! Just thought I'd pop by before I pop off for a night of moving and shaking (in a very good and funkylicious way) on a dance floor, with my very best disco dollies. Nothin' left for me to do but dance!....hit it Jay Kay.... x

Back to Life, Back to Reality

So, here we are Blogbods...back home after a completely fabtastic break away in beautiful, breathtaking Papamoa. Although our time away has definitely recharged the batteries and allowed us all to slow down and take a break from rushing around as part of the daily grind, it is always nice to come home to your own comfy surroundings. I think that time away from the norm is soooo good for the soul. It allows you to appreciate not only what else is out there, but also what you have right there under your nose. Although it is 'Back to Reality', my reality is still a great place to be. Yes, I wish there were more hours in the day. Yes I wish I could spend more time with my amazing A Team, and yes I have made a pledge to spend at least some part of every day doing silly kid stuff and taking more notice of the complete gorgeousness around me, you heard it here first.
On a Wibbly note....I'm seriously preparing to get this blogeroo out there and link up with other Wibbly Wobbly websites and blogs. It's quite a big step for me, but I am channelling my inner Diana (see first ever post) and I feel it is time. I hope that I can use my Shaker Maker status and this here beautiful blog of mine to reach out to YOPD dons and divas (and those who are young at heart) to spread information, positivity and a generous sprinkle of the Sparkles.......C'mon beautiful people, hop on the Sparkle Bus....destination Get Livin'! x

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Celebrate Good Times....C'mon!

Aaahhh, beautiful Blogwins! Welcome one and all to a particularly significant day of the year....IT'S ONLY MY FLIPPIN' BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Hooray, hurrah and a whoopdedoo! It's all about ME!!!!!!!! What a completely megatastic, funkydoodle day it has been my friends. I bought some ludicrously vertiginous, yet utterly divine nude coloured platform heels, some sparkly silver ballet flats (see, I sparkle from head to toe haha!) a leather jacket and got the Chief a new watch. Later, we frolicked for hours on the beach with the small people, trying to dodge waves and collect shells etc. The best day ever was then right royally capped off by attending a drive in movie (Elvis and Ann Margaret in Viva Las Vegas) How completely fecking coolio is that my darlings? Celebrate good times?......Hell yeah baby! xx